Bank Network Management

Automate the complete network management process from initiating the account opening request to choosing a new agent bank and conducting ongoing monitoring by automating the complete DDQ process.

What is Bank Network Management?

Bank Network Managers with the responsibility of monitoring the risk of hundreds of agent banks recognize the urgent need for automating the process to improve efficiency and strengthen risk management. The current manual and fragmented process is highly inefficient and tedious for both custody managers and agent banks.

Automate End-To-End DDQ Process

  • Use standard templates from AFME, Wolfsberg & others available in CENTRL library or upload proprietary questionnaires.
  • Full editor for modifying DDQs.
  • Schedule upcoming & recurring DDQs and automate publishing.
  • Conduct follow-ups & clarifications in application.
  • Delegate tasks to internal departments for evaluation.
  • Ability to customize scoring framework & automate scoring.
  • Produce reports by automatically extracting data from DDQs.
Automate End-To-End DDQ Process

Centralize Agent Bank Database, Documents, DDQs & Communications

  • Extract & normalize data from DDQs and populate agent database.
  • Keep agent database automatically updated.
  • Sort and filter agent bank and account data by multiple criteria.
  • Centralize all agent documents in single library.
  • Powerful search capabilities including within documents.
  • Internal and external collaboration with detail audit trail.
  • 360 degree view at agent bank level.
Centralize Agent Bank Database, Documents, DDQs & Communications

Continuous Monitoring & Risk Profiling

  • Conduct on-going assessments.
  • Pre-populate with last-year’s answers - only review “what has changed” *
  • Automate evaluation process - only focus on exceptions.
  • View compliance and performance documents on continuous basis.
  • Quickly identify and monitor changes in timely manner.
Continuous Monitoring & Risk Profiling

Issue Tracking & Remediation

  • Identify and segment Issues & gaps from each DDQ.
  • Track Issues by severity, DDQ, agent bank and other criteria.
  • Publish Issues to agent bank and interact with them on updates.
  • Collaborate internally with multiple departments at Issue level.
  • Create action plans and manage Issue resolution from start to finish.
Issue Tracking & Remediation

Comprehensive Platform For Agent Banks To Respond & Manage DDQ Process

  • Agent banks get consolidated view of all incoming DDQs.
  • Agent banks can delegate DDQ questions within their organization.
  • Upload documents and respond to clarifications within application.
  • Agent banks get single file library of published documents with audit trail.
  • Agent banks can publish pre-filled standard DDQs to Network managers.
  • Agent banks can track upcoming DDQs.
  • Agent banks can publish documents on-going with the full control.
Comprehensive Platform For Agent Banks To Respond & Manage DDQ Process

Dynamic Dashboards and Detailed Analytics

  • Create Risk Scorecards for agent bank and at Account level as needed.
  • View dashboards to track progress of DDQs, Issues and Assignments.
  • Dashboards offer drill down and powerful filtering capabilities.
  • Analyze benchmarks at detailed level across portfolio.
  • Run cross-bank comparisons and time-series reports.
  • Complete ability to customize dashboards.
Dynamic Dashboards and Detailed Analytics

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