
Vendor Risk Management Processes for Enterprise Supply Chains: Why Microsoft Excel is Not Enough
Enterprise VRM is a comprehensive process, and MS Excel is not the right tool for the job. In this post, we’ve discussed the reasons why spreadsheets are not enough for the VRM process.

Virginia is For Privacy, Part 1
3 Basic Things to Know About Virginia’s New Consumer Data Protection Act. Learn about Consumer Data Protection Act and how it affects your company's policies, notices, procedures, and processes.

The Evolving Third-Party Data Breach Landscape: What's Going On and How to Protect Your Data With Vendor Risk Management Software
Find out how the third-party data breach landscape changes and what techniques malicious actors use to steal data. Learn how you can protect your data with vendor risk management software.

Supply Chain Risk Management (SCRM) in the Manufacturing Industry: How to Identify, Assess, and Remediate Third-Party Risk Up and Down the Chain
Learn how the manufacturing industry's supply chain threats are evolving. How to identify, assess, and mitigate third-party risks to secure your manufacturing business.

Third Party Risk Management Lessons Learned from Recent Accellion Breach
Find out the lessons we can learn from Accellion Breach and know the Third Party Risk Management best practices takeaways.

Third-Party Risk Management Solutions for Software Supply Chains
Learn the features that you should consider in looking for a supply chain risk management platform for your software vendors.

Identifying Third-Party Risk in Your Supply Chain: Best Practices for Vendor Due Diligence
Find out the critical steps of vendor risk due diligence. From collecting business information to assessing security and legal risks, this guide has got you covered.

Comprehensive Vendor Risk Management (VRM): How to Conduct a Cyber Security Risk Assessment
Discover how to conduct a cybersecurity assessment and how it can protect your organization.

What is Third-Party Risk Management (TPRM)?
Learn more about Third-party risk management (TPRM) and the common types of vendor risk. We'll share some examples of regulatory frameworks around third-party risk, and how to best mitigate third-party risk for your organization.

Sealing the Deal on Another Privacy Settlement
FTC Announces Settlement with Travel Services Company Over Unsecured Cloud Database and Misleading Online Privacy Messaging

Resolve to Enhance Your Company’s Vendor Oversight Practices in 2021
Mortgage Industry Data Analytics Company Settles FTC Allegations that it Failed to Ensure Vendor was Adequately Protecting the Personal Information of Consumers

Resolve to Prepare for Supply Chain Cyber Attacks with Better Vendor Risk Management Practices in 2021
Recent attacks highlight importance of proactive and preventive measures to counter intrusions through your supply chain.

Get ready: The CCPA is now the CPRA
CPRA was voted into law on November 3, 2020 by 56% of the Golden State’s voters. 9 million Californians voted in favor of these new consumer privacy protections.

Keeping Data Secure in Thailand
New Personal Data Security Standards for Data Controllers Subject to Thailand’s Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA)

Caution - CCPA Construction Ahead
Proposed Modifications to New CCPA Regulations Released for Public Comment. CCPA is starting to remind some of never-ending road construction with all of its caution flags, detour signage, and miles of orange cones – and headaches for drivers.

Bank Network Management as a Sustainable Process?
Systematizing Network Management, you are transforming a cost draining unit into an efficient, environmentally friendly organization that can be both highly cost efficient and a business and investment driver.

The More You Know
California AG Provides Additional Information on Focus of Recent CCPA Notices of Non-compliance. The more you know now about the OAG’s current enforcement focus, the more you can do now.

Privacy by Vote
California Privacy Ballot Initiative Instructs Regulator to Issue Regulations Imposing Cybersecurity Audit and Risk Assessment Requirements

24 and Me - Proposition 24 (CCPA 2.0) on November 3rd California Ballot
Human DNA is about five feet long. You may need a longer leap to move your current CCPA compliance program to a CPRA compliance program. This posting summarizes only some of the provisions of the CPRA.

As the LGPD Turns - Brazilian Senate Rejects Postponement of Effective Date of LGPD
The LGPD also applies to organizations that intend to offer goods or services to individuals in Brazil.

New Required CCPA Reading
Final CCPA regulations were approved and effective on August 14, 2020. In a news release published with the final regulations, the AG advised that the regulations establish procedures for compliance.